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2 results for Multiple Authors.
  1. 1. Evaluation of MTM's Signs of Safety Pilots search file icon
    • English
    15 October 2020   |  Mary Baginsky, Multiple Authors The evaluation used a multi-method approach that included a deep dive into 5 of the 9 pilots, a staff survey, an examination of assessments that had been conducted, a contrast study examining practice in 2 SofS and 2 non-SofS children’s service departments, an examination of plans and profiles, and an analysis of national outcomes data at LA level, including an individual-level difference-in- differences analysis.
  2. 2. Working with Signs of Safety: Parents' perception of change search file icon
    • English
    26 July 2019   |  Mary Baginsky, Multiple Authors Data collected during the evaluation of Signs of Safety pilots, which was funded by the Department for Education as part of the Children's Social Care English Innovation Programme.