Core Signs of Safety Tools and Techniques

Signs of Success and Belonging

Purpose and Principles

09 Mar 2023

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Purpose: Signs of Success and Belonging


All children’s services and children in care work is first and foremost aimed to sustain and deepen the child and young person’s connection with the families, people, country, culture and communities they were born into and belong to even when the children cannot live with their family for however long they are in care” .


Seven Principles:


Connection and Belonging

Maintain and strengthening the child / young person’s ongoing connection to their immediate and extended family and their community and culture of origin as the top priority of children in care work. This includes involving everyone with natural connections to the child / young person in the assessment, planning and support of child / young person and the home they are living in while in care.


Holistic approach to the child / young person’s wellbeing and development.

Physical, emotional, intellectual, cultural and spiritual.


Go hard early

When a child or young person is removed from the care of their immediate family this is a crisis for everyone involved – approach the first day of removal as the first day of return.



Aiming for one home supported by one worker, brothers and sisters together, attending the one school within the locality their family resides.


Nothing about me without me

The child/ young person is fully informed about and involved in the assessment, decision-making and planning.


Future and Goal focused

All assessment and planning and most especially the success/belonging pathway planning map is organised around the young person’s goals and vision of a successful adult life.


Learn through doing

The assessment and plan is always seen as a work in progress – the professional’s role is to support the young person in setting their goals, thinking through the best action plans they and their support network can imagine and then using the plans, learning from what works and what doesn’t.

Last updated Thursday, 9 March 2023 2:52:04 AM