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3 results for Dr Louise Caffrey.
  1. 1. Understanding the social worker–family relationship through self-determination theory search file icon
    • English
    27 January 2022   |  Dr Freda Browne, Dr Louise Caffrey   5 Most Popular This study from Trinity College Dublin aimed to deepen and inform the explanation (initial theory) of what key Signs of Safety tools and processes are expected to achieve in the family–worker interaction and why.
  2. 2. Evidence Base and Implementation search file icon
    • English
    17 June 2021   |  Dr Louise Caffrey, Eileen Munro, Mike Caslor, Terry Murphy Exploring the evidence about the impact of Signs of Safety on practice and on children, young people and their families.
  3. 3. The challenge of implementation in complex, adaptive child welfare systems search file icon
    • English
    26 May 2023   |  Dr Freda Browne, Dr Louise Caffrey This paper utilises a Realist Synthesis to understand and evaluate how interactions between children’s services interventions and the context they are introduced into can influence implementation and outcomes.