Introduction to Signs of Safety

Ask Signs of Safety

Video responses to some commonly asked questions about Signs of Safety

23 Nov 2020

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'Ask Signs of Safety' was a chance for members of the Signs of Safety Children's Services Support Group to ask any question they had about Signs of Safety. These are the answers supplied by the International community of Licensed Signs of Safety Trainers, Consultants and Staff of Elia, the home of Signs of Safety.


How can we be sure that a family will create and stick to a safety plan when they haven’t admitted that they’ve done anything wrong?"

Common Misconceptions about Signs of Safety Part 1

Hoe en wanneer gebruik je gevaarsboodschappen, veiligheidsdoelen en veiligheidsvragen nadat je ze in eerste instantie aan de familie hebt gegeven?

How and when do you use Danger Statements, Safety Goals and Safety Scales after you have initially given them to the family?

How do you engage with teenagers and young people who are mistrustful of the system?

What questions can we ask to keep the conversation about networks going when parents try to shut conversation down?"

Vilka frågor kan vi ställa för att hålla igång ett samtal om nätverk när föräldrar försöker avsluta samtalet?

How do you activate a network when extended family is overloaded or doesn’t exist?

What are the key ingredients for a good safety plan ?

Wat zijn de basis ingrediënten van een goed veiligheidsplan?



How can we be sure that a family will create and stick to a safety plan when they haven’t admitted that they’ve done anything wrong?

Andrew Turnell, Co-Creator of the Signs of Safety


Common Misconceptions about Signs of Safety Part 1

Pene Turnell, Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer and Consultant, Executive Director of Practice, Elia. 


Common Misconceptions about Signs of Safety Part 2

Pene Turnell, Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer and Consultant, Executive Director of Practice, Elia.  


Hoe en wanneer gebruik je gevaarsboodschappen, veiligheidsdoelen en veiligheidsvragen nadat je ze in eerste instantie aan de familie hebt gegeven?

Sabien De Klerck, gecertificeerde Signs of safety Trainer, België

How do you engage with teenagers and young people who are mistrustful of the ‘system’?

With Agi Gault, Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer and Consultant


How and when do you use Danger Statements, Safety Goals and Safety Scales after you have initially given them to the family?

With Emma Hopper, Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer and Consultant


What questions can we ask to keep the conversation about networks going when parents try to shut conversation down?

With Kay Whyte Bell, Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer and Consultant


Vilka frågor kan vi ställa för att hålla igång ett samtal om nätverk när föräldrar försöker avsluta samtalet?

With Ann Gardestrom, Licensierad Signs of Safety konsult, Stockholm


How do you activate a network when extended family is overloaded or doesn’t exist?

With Haley Muir, Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer from the UK.




What are the key ingredients for a good safety plan?

With Fred Magie, Licensed Signs of Safety Trainer & Consultant, Canada.



Wat zijn de basis ingrediënten van een goed veiligheidsplan?

Marieke Vogel, Gecertificeerd Signs of Safety Trainer en Consultant uit Nederland. Regio directeur van Signs of Safety voor het vaste land van Europa.



Last updated Friday, 12 November 2021 1:58:02 AM