Core Signs of Safety Tools and Techniques Involving Naturally Occurring Safety Networks in Child Protection casework 'It takes a village to raise a child' 23 Nov 2020 Average rating (0) Rate this resource Language EnglishJapanese The wisdom of the oft quoted African saying, ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ is the foundation of childcare in traditional cultures and well recognised in developed countries. The aspiration that children’s services should do everything possible to maintain a child’s connections to their family and community is also enshrined in the child protection legislation of almost all countries with established children’s services systems. A child who is connected to many people that care and are involved with them will almost always have a better life experience and be safer than an isolated child. Japanese translation by Ai Hishikawa. Comment: Are you sure you want to delete the comment? Are you sure you want to approve this comment? Are you sure you want to reject this comment? Your comments have been submitted for approval. You will be notified via email when they are approved. Last updated Monday, 14 February 2022 9:24:16 PM