Core Signs of Safety Tools and Techniques

The Power of Words and Pictures in Early Help

Interview with the worker, mum and the young person where mum felt her relationship with her son was a breaking point.

26 Sep 2023

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  • English

Sian, the worker from Early Help, started working with Maria and her son Marshall following a phone call from Maria as she felt her relationship with Marshall was at breaking point and how this was affecting both of them as well as Marshall’s younger sister and brother. Maria was worried that Marshall’s anger towards her was getting worse to the point she felt she didn’t know what she could do and this was also starting to affect his education and situations Marshall was involved in within the community.

When Marshall was a baby, Maria contacted children’s services as Marshall’s dad was violent towards her and due to this Maria was struggling with her own mental health. Maria talks about reaching out for help, but she didn’t get the help she needed, services just reacted and as a result Marshall was taken from Maria’s care for 7 months.

At the point Early Help became involved, Marshall was asking lots of questions about his early life, why he didn’t live with his mum and why he didn’t see his dad. And this was leading to lots of anger and frustration for him. Mum was struggling to find the right words to explain this to her son and this is when the workers suggested using Words and Pictures to help with those questions. Mum was clear that she never wanted Marshall to see his dad in a bad light and that she wanted to help in a way that meant that if there were to be a relationship between her son and his dad in the future there wouldn’t be bad feelings.

The video also highlights the workers journey and her change in thinking about Words and Pictures when explaining situations to older children. Mum talks about the Words and Pictures as ‘life changing’, that she got ‘her best friend back’.

This resource shows how Words and Pictures can be used within Early Help and the positive impact this can have.

Click on the CC Box in the video player to view with subtitles


Last updated Tuesday, 26 September 2023 6:38:45 PM