
Managing Tragedies and other Crises


18 Nov 2020

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This Facebook Live session with Joke Wiggerink and Terry Murphy — both former CEO’s of child welfare organisations — examines what we need to do as senior managers and leaders when a tragedy or other major crisis occurs.

On any day in child protection, a hand grenade can roll down the leader’s corridor. No matter what the politicians say and even how well we are doing generally, tragedies are a part of the child protection landscape.


Every tragedy, and any serious crisis, is a test for leadership. A tragedy handled badly can have long lasting consequences for the organisation — staff can feel alienated, become risk averse, a wedge can develop between staff and leadership, and of course new policies and procedures can follow and mount up and actually clog up practice.

Handling tragedies and other crises well, on the other hand, can build trust across the organisation, let staff know that leadership has their backs and mitigate the unintended consequences of well intentioned reforms and new practice requirements, and even garner the learning that is generally spoken of as the aim of critical case reviews.


This conversation between Joke and Terry they:

  • Share their experience as CEO’s in leading the management of tragedies and other crises
  • Explore what makes the difference in achieving a positive outcome for staff and the organisation
  • Look at what the learning actually is from reviewing tragedies


Last updated Friday, 20 November 2020 10:48:38 PM