Information and Support

How to Reset Your Password

Instructions on how to access the Knowledge Bank if you have forgotten your password.

12 Nov 2020

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  • English

If you have forgotten your Knowledge Bank password, you will need to reset it.


Please click “Forgot password?" under the login box (

Type your registered email ( into the reset box.This will be your organisation/agency email address as provided by your organisation.


Wait for up to 5 minutes for the email to arrive. (Usually 1 minute, but email filters and fire walls can slow the process)


Respond to the password reset email within 30 minutes or the link will expire. Repeat this process if too much time has elapsed. 


If no email has been received, please check spam/junk email folders for email with subject "Password for Login to Signs of Safety Knowledge Bank”


If all of the above fails and you are unable to access the Knowledge Bank please seek help via the “SUPPORT” button located in the black bar on each KB page. ( - someone from the Knowledge Bank team will respond.


For more FAQ's on the Knowledge Bank click here:

Last updated Tuesday, 17 November 2020 1:12:42 AM