
Constructive Child Protection Practice

An oxymoron or news of difference?

18 Aug 2006

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  • English


Child protection systems tend to be over-organized by fear of failure and dominated by the “big” voices of researchers, policy makers, academics and bureaucrats. In this environment constructive practice tends to be overlooked. Drawing on a case example from Gateshead, England, in this paper I argue that worker and client-defined, good practice in difficult cases is an invaluable and almost entirely disregarded resource for improving child protection services. Detailed inquiry into frontline-defined, constructive practice can provide significant news of difference in a usually problem-saturated system and redirect child protection intervention toward more human rather than technocratic outcomes.


Journal of Systemic Therapies, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2006, pp. 3–12

The full article can be purchased here

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