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6 results for My Three Houses.
  1. 1. Signs of Safety - Information for Parents search file icon
    • English
    15 September 2020   |  Northern Territory Government   4 Most Popular Explanation about what Signs of Safety is and what this means for Territory Families' work with children, young people and their parents and carers.
  2. 2. My Three Houses - explanation for families search file icon
    • English
    21 January 2020   |  Elia   5 Most Popular Short video clip explaining the My Three Houses tool to parents and carers.
  3. 3. My Three Houses - animated guide search file icon
    • English
    16 January 2020   |  Elia   5 Most Popular Animated film to use with children introducing the My Three Houses interview process.
  4. 4. マイ・スリー・ハウス:ゴミ屋敷 search file icon
    • Japanese
    14 January 2020   |  Theo Klooster   5 Most Popular 母親のネグレクトのために辛い思いをしていた10歳のカルビンの話です。
  5. 5. What is Signs of Safety search file icon
    • English
    15 May 2017   |  Andrew Turnell   3 Most Popular This introductory video offers an overview of the Signs of Safety approach to child protection.
  6. 6. My Three Houses: Trash House search file icon
    • English
    21 August 2015   |  Theo Klooster   3 Most Popular My Three Houses example with a young boy where there are concerns about neglect.