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6 results for Appreciative Inquiry.
  1. 1. Uppskattande Intervju med Sara om ett arbete som Sara känner sig stolt över. search file icon
    • Swedish
    9 April 2024   |  Diana Nikosjkova Videon riktar sig till chefer, arbetsledare, socialsekreterare och familjebehandlare som vill se exempel på hur den uppskattande intervjun kan användas för att utforska hur en kollega eller medarbetare har använt sig av någon av Signs of Safetys praktikmetoder.
  2. 2. The Power of Words and Pictures in Early Help search file icon
    • English
    26 September 2023   |  Kerry Yendall   3 Most Popular An interview with mum, her son and the worker, giving their feedback around words and pictures and the impact this has had on the family but also the worker, who initially felt that words and pictures wouldn’t work. This is a useful resource for Early Help in the UK and for those working with older children and thinking about using words and pictures.
  3. 3. From 'inadequate' to 'outstanding' in three years search file icon
    • English
    10 August 2022   |  Andrew Turnell   5 Most Popular Appreciative Inquiry interview with the Executive Leaders in TfC Sunderland about their active leadership of their agency’s implementation of Signs of Safety that transformed the agency from being deemed inadequate to outstanding in a three-year period in and how this supported their change in practice.
  4. 4. Supporting practice, embedding learning and sharing success search file icon
    • English
    10 August 2022   |  Mari Jayne Appreciative Inquiry interview with TfC Sunderland’s Signs of Safety Implementation Team about how they did the day to day work of supporting the practitioners and the team managers, embedding the learning methods and sharing successes as their implementation of Signs of Safety unfolded and successes were seen.
  5. 5. Ett steg i taget – men ändå ligga steget före search file icon
    • Swedish
    6 December 2021   |  Frida Adelbrant, Hannah Lindahl   5 Most Popular Om hur Värnamo har jobbat vidare med sin implementering och hur de hämtat hem kunskaperna genom -tematräffar -egen praktikintensiv -på allvar involvera vuxen -rutiner för samverkan
  6. 6. We Still Can't Believe It! search file icon
    • English
    • Japanese
    30 November 2021   |  Aishleen Healy, Evelyn Alexander, Lavina Temple, TUSLA   5 Most Popular Critical learning from applying Signs of Safety to safety planning work with a young Mum whose first child was in care.