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results for
Children in Care.
- 1. 家族とソーシャルワーカーへのインタビュー
20 July 2022 | Hiroyuki Suzuki
- 2. Det gömda nätverket
Ett gott exempel på en familj som kunde skapa ett nätverk runt omkring sig som gjorde skillnad
7 December 2021 | Åsa Svensson, Maria Unge
Ett gott exempel på en familj som kunde skapa ett nätverk runt omkring sig som gjorde skillnad. Om arbetet med en ord- och bildberättelse som blev helande för både barnen och föräldrarna genom att benämna det som var omöjligt att prata om.
- 3. Feedback Loops after Safety Planning
Using Existing Family Connections to Create Meaningful Belonging
1 December 2021 | Isabelle Quintens, Jeugdhulp, Katrien Vertonghen
How using a feedback loop made it possible to reflect on the meaningful moments in safety planning, and how this made the valuable work of the network and the case worker visible.
- 4. Now we can start to heal
Journey to healing using Words and Pictures
1 December 2021 | Alanna Burns, Chyneese Gavranich, Territory Families, Vicky Haddon, Vimbai Chinhamu
Territory Families, Housing and Communities staff, Aboriginal Community Workers, Practice Leaders and Advisors, and family all worked together and shared information to create a Words and Pictures to answer the questions being asked by a 16 year old young person in care and make sure that everyone involved was kept safe.
- 5. What does Belonging mean to you?
A conversation
30 November 2021 | Isaiah Dawe, Pene Turnell
Pene Turnell talks to Isaiah Dawe
- 6. Signs of Safety: A Warrior's Perspective
Working with a family using the Safety Planning Roadmap
30 November 2021 | Alberta Childrens Services, Inier Cardinal
Exploring what the Signs of Safety practice framework can bring to Metis families when done well through using the Safety Planning Roadmap with one family.
- 7. セーフティ・プランニングと両親とソーシャルワーカーへのインタビュー
17 August 2021 | Hiroyuki Suzuki
- 8. Safety and healing through community and culture
Upper Sioux Community and Yellow Medicine County | 2020 Aboriginal First Nation Signs of Safety Gathering
18 December 2020 | Elia
Upper Sioux Community Social Services and Yellow Medicine County Family Services utilised the Signs of Safety to support a Dakota mother who, after numerous child protection interventions, has begun healing because of her connections with her community and culture. The agencies will share what they learned working creatively together as a statutory authority with the Dakota community to help families and their networks increase safety and wellbeing with Indigenous families.
- 9. Julia, Emma en Lieke
Casus van begin tot eind: verwaarlozing, moeder’s agressie en huiselijk geweld
1 September 2020 | Joke Wiggerink, Marieke Vogel, Pene Turnell
De casus gaat over 3 zusjes die in een pleeggezin wonen, omdat er zorgen zijn over verwaarlozing, huiselijk geweld en agressie van moeder. Het is een hele goede illustratie van hoe een gehele casus er uit zou kunnen zien.
- 10. Lucy, Nancy and Lacie
End to end case: Neglect, Mum's anger, domestic violence
25 August 2020 | Pene Turnell
This end to end case illustrates how the Signs of Safety model might be applied to a child protection case and how to safety plan for reunification from temporary foster care.