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12 results for Terry Murphy.
  1. 1. Evidence Base and Implementation search file icon
    • English
    17 June 2021   |  Dr Louise Caffrey, Eileen Munro, Mike Caslor, Terry Murphy Exploring the evidence about the impact of Signs of Safety on practice and on children, young people and their families.
  2. 2. Framework and Trajectory search file icon
    • English
    11 June 2021   |  Terry Murphy There are a set of key and overarching activities that experience has indicated to be mission critical, that is essential for effective implementation. This mission critical version of the framework provides a streamlined roadmap for Signs of Safety implementation.  
  3. 3. Leadership Development Trajectory search file icon
    • English
    10 June 2021   |  Terry Murphy   5 Most Popular Learning and development activities in line with the implementation framework and the implementation trajectory, undertaken for the first two-year intense period of implementation and beyond, for leadership groups and senior managers
  4. 4. Managing Tragedies and other Crises search file icon
    • English
    18 November 2020   |  Joke Wiggerink, Terry Murphy   4 Most Popular Facebook Live session with Joke Wiggerink and Terry Murphy examine what we need to do as senior managers and leaders when a tragedy or other major crisis occurs.
  5. 5. Senior Management Overview on Safety Planning search file icon
    • English
    1 October 2020   |  Joke Wiggerink, Terry Murphy   5 Most Popular Recording of a webinar on the Leadership Support Forum Facebook group
  6. 6. Signs of Safety en detaljerad presentation search file icon
    • Swedish
    11 February 2020   |  Andrew Turnell, Terry Murphy   2 Most Popular Det här är den fjärde upplagan av en detaljerad presentation av Signs of Safety. Den innehåller en allsidig överblick av Signs of Safetys förhållningssätt och den underliggande teorin samt belyser den forskning och implementeringsteori som modellen lutar sig mot.
  7. 7. Mission Critical Implementation Roadmap  search file icon
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    16 January 2020   |  Andrew Turnell, Joke Wiggerink, Terry Murphy   4 Most Popular The Signs of Safety Implementation Framework - Mission Critical is a roadmap of 8 key parts summarising the key aspects of implementation under the domains of learning, leadership, organisational alignment and meaningful measures. It is used to inform implementation proposals, planning workshops, implementation plans, and consultation workshops and meetings.
  8. 8. Signs of Safety and Restorative and Systemic Practices search file icon
    • English
    20 November 2018   |  Damian Griffiths, Terry Murphy   5 Most Popular An overview of Signs of Safety, Restorative Practices and Systemic Practice exploring similarities and differences.
  9. 9. Signs of Safety Quality Assurance System search file icon
    • English
    9 August 2018   |  Terry Murphy   4 Most Popular Signs of Safety implementation is fundamentally about the organisation being set up to enable and support and assess the practice. The Signs of Safety Quality Assurance System provides a vision and specific tools that can be used to align quality assurance.
  10. 10. Signs of Safety Comprehensive Briefing Paper search file icon
    • English
    21 May 2018   |  Andrew Turnell, Terry Murphy   4 Most Popular This fourth edition of the Signs of Safety Briefing Paper offers a comprehensive overview of the Signs of Safety approach and underpinning theory, as well as detailing the research and implementation science that supports it.
  11. 11. You Can’t Grow Roses in Concrete search file icon
    • English
    15 December 2016   |  Andrew Turnell, Eileen Munro, Terry Murphy   3 Most Popular A broad brush picture of what has happened, picking out key themes and illustrating the diversity of the implementations. It is structured as a list of key elements of the reforms, but attention is given to reporting on how successfully these elements must interact to produce the desired changes.
  12. 12. Response to the What Works Centre 2018 Review of the Signs of Safety search file icon
    • English
    17 December 2018   |  Andrew Turnell, Eileen Munro, Terry Murphy The What Works Centre for children’s social care recently released a systematic review of the Signs of Safety (WWC 2018), a summary of which was published in Community Care on November 15. In this short paper, Andrew Turnell, Eileen Munro and Terry Murphy offer a brief response to the review.