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17 results for Words and Pictures.
  1. 1. The Power of Words and Pictures in Early Help search file icon
    • English
    26 September 2023   |  Kerry Yendall   4 Most Popular An interview with mum, her son and the worker, giving their feedback around words and pictures and the impact this has had on the family but also the worker, who initially felt that words and pictures wouldn’t work. This is a useful resource for Early Help in the UK and for those working with older children and thinking about using words and pictures.
  2. 2. Det gömda nätverket  search file icon
    • Swedish
    7 December 2021   |  Åsa Svensson, Maria Unge Ett gott exempel på en familj som kunde skapa ett nätverk runt omkring sig som gjorde skillnad. Om arbetet med en ord- och bildberättelse som blev helande för både barnen och föräldrarna genom att benämna det som var omöjligt att prata om.
  3. 3. Belonging to Family and Community search file icon
    • English
    • Japanese
    2 December 2021   |  Loran Dutka, Tahira El-Sulayman, Windsor-Essex Children's Aid Scoiety   4 Most Popular This presentation highlights belonging as two agencies coming together and fostering new relationships and a sense of community using a case example of a youth with mental health difficulties
  4. 4. Feedback Loops after Safety Planning search file icon
    • English
    • Japanese
    1 December 2021   |  Isabelle Quintens, Jeugdhulp, Katrien Vertonghen   5 Most Popular How using a feedback loop made it possible to reflect on the meaningful moments in safety planning, and how this made the valuable work of the network and the case worker visible.
  5. 5. Now we can start to heal search file icon
    • English
    • Japanese
    1 December 2021   |  Alanna Burns, Chyneese Gavranich, Territory Families, Vicky Haddon, Vimbai Chinhamu   5 Most Popular Territory Families, Housing and Communities staff, Aboriginal Community Workers, Practice Leaders and Advisors, and family all worked together and shared information to create a Words and Pictures to answer the questions being asked by a 16 year old young person in care and make sure that everyone involved was kept safe.
  6. 6. Signs of Safety: A Warrior's Perspective search file icon
    • English
    • Japanese
    30 November 2021   |  Alberta Childrens Services, Inier Cardinal   5 Most Popular Exploring what the Signs of Safety practice framework can bring to Metis families when done well through using the Safety Planning Roadmap with one family.
  7. 7. セーフティ・プランニングと両親とソーシャルワーカーへのインタビュー search file icon
    • Japanese
    17 August 2021   |  Hiroyuki Suzuki 本ケースは日本で行われた子どもの安全づくりの実践です。ドメスティックバイオレンスに巻き込まれた姉妹を、家族、親族が主体者となって守ろうとした実践です。激しい親族間の対立を乗り越えた実践でもあります。特に、大切なのは、これらのプロセスを家族自身が家族の言葉で振り返っていること、これに関わったソーシャルワーカーがやはりソーシャルワーカーの言葉で振り返っていることです。  本事例の発表については、家族、ソーシャルワーカーの許可を得ていますが、事例が特定されないように改変してあります。本ケーススタディはすべての人に活用していただけます。
  8. 8. Landing Grand Aspirations in Everyday Practice search file icon
    • English
    29 April 2021   |  Damian Griffiths   4 Most Popular Three short videos of an interview with a newly qualified social worker in the UK sharing his practice in three areas: Starting the Work, Danger Statements, Safety Goals and Safety Scales and Safety Planning
  9. 9. Signs of Safety - Information for Parents search file icon
    • English
    15 September 2020   |  Northern Territory Government   4 Most Popular Explanation about what Signs of Safety is and what this means for Territory Families' work with children, young people and their parents and carers.
  10. 10. Julia, Emma en Lieke search file icon
    • Dutch
    1 September 2020   |  Joke Wiggerink, Marieke Vogel, Pene Turnell   4 Most Popular De casus gaat over 3 zusjes die in een pleeggezin wonen, omdat er zorgen zijn over verwaarlozing, huiselijk geweld en agressie van moeder. Het is een hele goede illustratie van hoe een gehele casus er uit zou kunnen zien.
  11. 11. Lucy, Nancy and Lacie search file icon
    • English
    25 August 2020   |  Pene Turnell   5 Most Popular This end to end case illustrates how the Signs of Safety model might be applied to a child protection case and how to safety plan for reunification from temporary foster care.
  12. 12. Safety Planning - biggest questions from around the world search file icon
    • English
    13 June 2020   |  Elia Pene and Andrew respond to questions from a panel of child protection workers from around the world
  13. 13. シャーロン、重症の乳児 search file icon
    • Japanese
    30 January 2020   |  Andrew Turnell   4 Most Popular これはワーズ&ピクチャーズの典型例です。事例は匿名化されています。乳児に誰が何をしたかで保護者と見解が分かれた事例です
  14. 14. What is Signs of Safety search file icon
    • English
    15 May 2017   |  Andrew Turnell   3 Most Popular This introductory video offers an overview of the Signs of Safety approach to child protection.
  15. 15. Workers talk about Signs of Safety search file icon
    • English
    15 May 2017   |  Elia   3 Most Popular Stories from child protection workers about their experience in using Signs of Safety.
  16. 16. Amelia & Alexandra Child Safety Plan search file icon
    • English
    12 September 2014   |  Andrew Turnell, Susie Essex   3 Most Popular This Safety Plan, developed by Andrew Turnell, follows on from the Words and Pictures: An Explanation for Alexander and Amelia as featured in Turnell and Essex, Working with 'Denied' Child Abuse: The Resolutions Approach (2006: 124).
  17. 17. Sharon Injured Infant  search file icon
    • English
    20 March 2014   |  Andrew Turnell   3 Most Popular This anonymised words and pictures example is a typical words and pictures used in a disputed injured infant case. The example follows Susie Essex’s original short form process incorporating: Title - Who’s Worried - What are they worried about - What happened then - What are we doing about the worries