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results for
Danger Statements.
- 1. サインズ・オブ・セーフティ実践のための動画教材
Role play video clips for the Signs of Safety practice
18 September 2024 | Ai Hishikawa, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Jun Hashimoto, Masamitsu Fujii, Mio Kikushima, Noriko Okano
- 2. Ett steg i taget – men ändå ligga steget före
Om implementeringsprocessen och de framgångar de har sett genom ständig feedback och tillämpning av förhållningssätt och verktyg
6 December 2021 | Frida Adelbrant, Hannah Lindahl
Om hur Värnamo har jobbat vidare med sin implementering och hur de hämtat hem kunskaperna genom
-egen praktikintensiv
-på allvar involvera vuxen
-rutiner för samverkan
- 3. Belonging to Family and Community
Challenging our thinking
2 December 2021 | Loran Dutka, Tahira El-Sulayman, Windsor-Essex Children's Aid Scoiety
This presentation highlights belonging as two agencies coming together and fostering new relationships and a sense of community using a case example of a youth with mental health difficulties
- 4. Feedback Loops after Safety Planning
Using Existing Family Connections to Create Meaningful Belonging
1 December 2021 | Isabelle Quintens, Jeugdhulp, Katrien Vertonghen
How using a feedback loop made it possible to reflect on the meaningful moments in safety planning, and how this made the valuable work of the network and the case worker visible.
- 5. We Still Can't Believe It!
From terror zone to hope
30 November 2021 | Aishleen Healy, Evelyn Alexander, Lavina Temple, TUSLA
Critical learning from applying Signs of Safety to safety planning work with a young Mum whose first child was in care.
- 6. セーフティ・プランニングと両親とソーシャルワーカーへのインタビュー
17 August 2021 | Hiroyuki Suzuki
- 7. Landing Grand Aspirations in Everyday Practice
What one social worker's practice looks like using Signs of Safety
29 April 2021 | Damian Griffiths
Three short videos of an interview with a newly qualified social worker in the UK sharing his practice in three areas: Starting the Work, Danger Statements, Safety Goals and Safety Scales and Safety Planning
- 8. Signs of Safety and Contextual Safeguarding - an example
Group Supervision in a case of extra-familial harm
23 February 2021 | Wendy Hill
This resource provides a draft Danger Statement, Safety Goal and Safety Scale based on information provided by a worker during Group Supervision (case information has been de-identified) and suggested questions to support assessment and next steps planning in respect of Liam (17).
- 9. Signs of Safety - Information for Parents
Booklet created by Territory families
15 September 2020 | Northern Territory Government
Explanation about what Signs of Safety is and what this means for Territory Families' work with children, young people and their parents and carers.
- 10. Julia, Emma en Lieke
Casus van begin tot eind: verwaarlozing, moeder’s agressie en huiselijk geweld
1 September 2020 | Joke Wiggerink, Marieke Vogel, Pene Turnell
De casus gaat over 3 zusjes die in een pleeggezin wonen, omdat er zorgen zijn over verwaarlozing, huiselijk geweld en agressie van moeder. Het is een hele goede illustratie van hoe een gehele casus er uit zou kunnen zien.
- 11. Lucy, Nancy and Lacie
End to end case: Neglect, Mum's anger, domestic violence
25 August 2020 | Pene Turnell
This end to end case illustrates how the Signs of Safety model might be applied to a child protection case and how to safety plan for reunification from temporary foster care.
- 12. 十代の子どもの性虐待と妊娠、自傷行為
3 April 2020 | Andrew Turnell
- 13. Signs of Safety Assessment and Planning Framework
- Cantonese
- Deutsch
- English
- Swedish
The seven analysis categories of the map explained
28 February 2020 | Andrew Turnell
An updated multilingual explanation of the seven analysis categories of the Signs of Safety map.
- 14. Hugo Robert and Kelsey - Emotional Abuse and Domestic Violence
Danger Statement, Safety Goal and Safety Scale
20 September 2018 | Pene Turnell
Concerns about neglect and emotional abuse for a sibling group.
- 15. What is Signs of Safety
Brief overview
15 May 2017 | Andrew Turnell
This introductory video offers an overview of the Signs of Safety approach to child protection.
- 16. Sexual Abuse Pregnant Teenager and Self Harm
Danger Statement, Safety Goal and Safety Scale
7 December 2016 | Andrew Turnell
Danger statement, safety goal and safety scale for Polly - Sexual abuse concerns about a pregnant teenager who is self-harming.