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30 results for Andrew Turnell.
  1. 1. Signs of Success and Belonging search file icon
    • English
    9 March 2023   |  Andrew Turnell   5 Most Popular All children’s services and children in care work is first and foremost aimed to sustain and deepen the child and young person’s connection with the families, people, country, culture and communities they were born into and belong to even when the children cannot live with their family for however long they are in care .
  2. 2. From 'inadequate' to 'outstanding' in three years search file icon
    • English
    10 August 2022   |  Andrew Turnell   5 Most Popular Appreciative Inquiry interview with the Executive Leaders in TfC Sunderland about their active leadership of their agency’s implementation of Signs of Safety that transformed the agency from being deemed inadequate to outstanding in a three-year period in and how this supported their change in practice.
  3. 3. The voice of the child in the safety planning process search file icon
    • English
    15 June 2021   |  Agi Gault, Andrew Turnell, Pene Turnell   4 Most Popular Recording of a Facebook Live event
  4. 4. It can be done! Using Networks During COVID-19 search file icon
    • English
    5 March 2021   |  Andrew Turnell, Elia   5 Most Popular We all know the saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. However the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped our lives and has brought massive challenges within practice. This is a part of the recording of a Facebook Live held on 5th of March 2021 in which Andrew Turnell lead a conversation with a group of practitioners from around the world to hear from them how they involve networks in their practice with children and families and how this is making a difference. This section features two workers at North Tyneside and their experiences working with networks.
  5. 5. Signs of Safety and Contextual Safeguarding  search file icon
    • English
    4 March 2021   |  Andrew Turnell, Carlene Firmin, Joanne Walker, Pene Turnell, Tracey Hill, Wendy Hill   3 Most Popular This is a joint briefing paper co-authored by Elia and the University of Bedfordshire, Contextual Safeguarding team to explore the relationship and integration between Contextual Safeguarding and Signs of Safety.
  6. 6. Involving Naturally Occurring Safety Networks in Child Protection casework search file icon
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    23 November 2020   |  Andrew Turnell Andrew Turnell explains why Signs of Safety seeks always to involve everybody that has natural connections to the children to most effectively build lasting safety and healing.
  7. 7. Ask Signs of Safety search file icon
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    • Swedish
    23 November 2020   |  Agi Gault, Andrew Turnell, Ann Gardeström, Christy Leitch, Emma Hopper, Haley Muir, Kay Bell, Marieke Vogel, Pene Turnell, Sabien de Klerck   5 Most Popular 'Ask Signs of Safety' was a chance for the community of the Signs of Safety Children's Services Support Group to ask any question they had about Signs of Safety. These are the answers supplied by the International community of Licensed Signs of Safety Trainers, Consultants and Staff of Elia, the home of Signs of Safety.
  8. 8. Fantasy or Realistic Possibility? search file icon
    • English
    3 November 2020   |  Andrew Turnell, Emma Hopper, Julie Firth, Nik Flavell, Pippa Young   5 Most Popular This article describes a user centered, whole agency learning lab process undertaken with the managers and practitioners in North Tyneside to field test and refine a case management system configured around the Signs of Safety practice framework.
  9. 9. Safety Planning - Finding and Using Networks search file icon
    • English
    8 May 2020   |  Andrew Turnell, Pene Turnell   3 Most Popular Pene and Andrew Turnell respond to questions focusing on finding and using networks as an essential part of the safety planning process.
  10. 10. Safety Planning during COVID-19 and Beyond search file icon
    • English
    23 April 2020   |  Andrew Turnell, Pene Turnell   4 Most Popular Watch back the interactive and intimate Facebook Live Q&A sessions with Pene Turnell, Executive Director of Practice for Elia and Professor Andrew Turnell, co-creator of Signs of Safety. Answering questions on actual case problems and safety planning for those cases, particularly when there are significant challenging factors.
  11. 11. 十代の子どもの性虐待と妊娠、自傷行為 search file icon
    • Japanese
    3 April 2020   |  Andrew Turnell   5 Most Popular シャーロンとハナ(ソーシャルワーカー)は、ポリーのことをとても心配していました。
  12. 12. You can't grow roses in concrete Part 2 search file icon
    • English
    31 March 2020   |  Andrew Turnell, Eileen Munro   5 Most Popular Second report on the Signs of Safety English Innovation Project
  13. 13. Signs of Safety Assessment and Planning Framework search file icon
    • Cantonese
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    28 February 2020   |  Andrew Turnell   2 Most Popular An updated multilingual explanation of the seven analysis categories of the Signs of Safety map.
  14. 14. Safety Planning Roadmap search file icon
    • English
    21 February 2020   |  Andrew Turnell, Pene Turnell   4 Most Popular The Roadmap sets out the steps in safety planning designed to create a proactive, structured and monitored process for parents to demonstrate they can care for their children safely. The full version of this resource is available with a Knowledge Bank Subscription.
  15. 15. Signs of Safety en detaljerad presentation search file icon
    • Swedish
    11 February 2020   |  Andrew Turnell, Terry Murphy   2 Most Popular Det här är den fjärde upplagan av en detaljerad presentation av Signs of Safety. Den innehåller en allsidig överblick av Signs of Safetys förhållningssätt och den underliggande teorin samt belyser den forskning och implementeringsteori som modellen lutar sig mot.
  16. 16. シャーロン、重症の乳児 search file icon
    • Japanese
    30 January 2020   |  Andrew Turnell   4 Most Popular これはワーズ&ピクチャーズの典型例です。事例は匿名化されています。乳児に誰が何をしたかで保護者と見解が分かれた事例です
  17. 17. Mission Critical Implementation Roadmap  search file icon
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    16 January 2020   |  Andrew Turnell, Joke Wiggerink, Terry Murphy   4 Most Popular The Signs of Safety Implementation Framework - Mission Critical is a roadmap of 8 key parts summarising the key aspects of implementation under the domains of learning, leadership, organisational alignment and meaningful measures. It is used to inform implementation proposals, planning workshops, implementation plans, and consultation workshops and meetings.
  18. 18. Welcome to the Gathering! search file icon
    • English
    6 November 2018   |  Andrew Turnell, Cormac Quinlan   3 Most Popular The opening of the 12th International Signs of Safety Gathering presented by The Borderers, Cormac Quinlan & Andrew Turnell
  19. 19. Signs of Safety Comprehensive Briefing Paper search file icon
    • English
    21 May 2018   |  Andrew Turnell, Terry Murphy   4 Most Popular This fourth edition of the Signs of Safety Briefing Paper offers a comprehensive overview of the Signs of Safety approach and underpinning theory, as well as detailing the research and implementation science that supports it.
  20. 20. What is Signs of Safety search file icon
    • English
    15 May 2017   |  Andrew Turnell   3 Most Popular This introductory video offers an overview of the Signs of Safety approach to child protection.
  21. 21. You Can’t Grow Roses in Concrete search file icon
    • English
    15 December 2016   |  Andrew Turnell, Eileen Munro, Terry Murphy   3 Most Popular A broad brush picture of what has happened, picking out key themes and illustrating the diversity of the implementations. It is structured as a list of key elements of the reforms, but attention is given to reporting on how successfully these elements must interact to produce the desired changes.
  22. 22. Sexual Abuse Pregnant Teenager and Self Harm search file icon
    • English
    7 December 2016   |  Andrew Turnell   3 Most Popular Danger statement, safety goal and safety scale for Polly - Sexual abuse concerns about a pregnant teenager who is self-harming.
  23. 23. Amelia & Alexandra Child Safety Plan search file icon
    • English
    12 September 2014   |  Andrew Turnell, Susie Essex   3 Most Popular This Safety Plan, developed by Andrew Turnell, follows on from the Words and Pictures: An Explanation for Alexander and Amelia as featured in Turnell and Essex, Working with 'Denied' Child Abuse: The Resolutions Approach (2006: 124).
  24. 24. Sharon Injured Infant  search file icon
    • English
    20 March 2014   |  Andrew Turnell   3 Most Popular This anonymised words and pictures example is a typical words and pictures used in a disputed injured infant case. The example follows Susie Essex’s original short form process incorporating: Title - Who’s Worried - What are they worried about - What happened then - What are we doing about the worries
  25. 25. Constructive Child Protection Practice search file icon
    • English
    18 August 2006   |  Andrew Turnell Drawing on a case example from Gateshead, England, in this paper Andrew Turnell argues that worker and client-defined, good practice in difficult cases is an invaluable and almost entirely disregarded resource for improving child protection services.