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Case Example.
- 1. The Power of Words and Pictures in Early Help
Interview with the worker, mum and the young person where mum felt her relationship with her son was a breaking point.
26 September 2023 | Kerry Yendall
An interview with mum, her son and the worker, giving their feedback around words and pictures and the impact this has had on the family but also the worker, who initially felt that words and pictures wouldn’t work. This is a useful resource for Early Help in the UK and for those working with older children and thinking about using words and pictures.
- 2. 家族とソーシャルワーカーへのインタビュー
20 July 2022 | Hiroyuki Suzuki
- 3. セーフティ・プランニングと両親とソーシャルワーカーへのインタビュー
17 August 2021 | Hiroyuki Suzuki
- 4. Signs of Safety and Contextual Safeguarding - an example
Group Supervision in a case of extra-familial harm
23 February 2021 | Wendy Hill
This resource provides a draft Danger Statement, Safety Goal and Safety Scale based on information provided by a worker during Group Supervision (case information has been de-identified) and suggested questions to support assessment and next steps planning in respect of Liam (17).
- 5. Julia, Emma en Lieke
Casus van begin tot eind: verwaarlozing, moeder’s agressie en huiselijk geweld
1 September 2020 | Joke Wiggerink, Marieke Vogel, Pene Turnell
De casus gaat over 3 zusjes die in een pleeggezin wonen, omdat er zorgen zijn over verwaarlozing, huiselijk geweld en agressie van moeder. Het is een hele goede illustratie van hoe een gehele casus er uit zou kunnen zien.
- 6. Lucy, Nancy and Lacie
End to end case: Neglect, Mum's anger, domestic violence
25 August 2020 | Pene Turnell
This end to end case illustrates how the Signs of Safety model might be applied to a child protection case and how to safety plan for reunification from temporary foster care.
- 7. シャーロン、重症の乳児
30 January 2020 | Andrew Turnell
- 8. マイ・スリー・ハウス:ゴミ屋敷
14 January 2020 | Theo Klooster
- 9. My Three Houses: Trash House
Calvin - aged 10
21 August 2015 | Theo Klooster
My Three Houses example with a young boy where there are concerns about neglect.