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- 1. Signs of Safety Terminology and Trademarks
A guide to adaptations of the Signs of Safety practice approach
3 June 2024 | Elia
Signs of Safety has evolved over the years from its first application to child protection to being increasingly used in all areas of children’s services. This is a brief guide to the adaptations that are protected by registered trademarks
- 2. Turning a group of support people into a safety network
Face Book Live Discussion
26 January 2024 | Fred Magie, Haley Muir, Kay Bell
Three Signs of Safety Consultants lead a discussion about how to work with families to create a safety network
- 3. Discussing the depth of the Signs of Safety Framework
A Signs of Safety podcast interview led by Claudia Lynch from Children’s Aid Society, Toronto
23 October 2023 | Claudia Lynch, Kay Bell, Ophelia Mac-Kwashie
Host, Claudia Lynch, Toronto Children's Aid Society, discusses the seven analysis categories of the Signs of Safety Risk Assessment Map with Elia Consultants and Licensed Signs of Safety Trainers Kay Whyte Bell and Ophelia Mac-Kwashie.
- 4. The Power of Words and Pictures in Early Help
Interview with the worker, mum and the young person where mum felt her relationship with her son was a breaking point.
26 September 2023 | Kerry Yendall
An interview with mum, her son and the worker, giving their feedback around words and pictures and the impact this has had on the family but also the worker, who initially felt that words and pictures wouldn’t work. This is a useful resource for Early Help in the UK and for those working with older children and thinking about using words and pictures.
- 5. Hannah Lindahl Signs of Safety
Why the Signs of Safety approach?
28 March 2023 | Hannah Lindahl
Hannah is a social worker in Sweden who has been using the Signs of Safety approach for 12 years and recently decided to become a licensed trainer.
Hannah tells what drew her to the approach, and describes the effects she noticed on both the families she worked with and within her own teams whilst using the Signs of Safety.
- 6. Signs of Success and Belonging
Purpose and Principles
9 March 2023 | Andrew Turnell
All children’s services and children in care work is first and foremost aimed to sustain and deepen the child and young person’s connection with the families, people, country, culture and communities they were born into and belong to even when the children cannot live with their family for however long they are in care .
- 7. What is the Signs of Safety Approach?
Information for Parents and Caregivers - North Eastern Ontario Family and Children's Services
12 January 2023 | North Eastern Ontario Family and Children's Services
Leaflet in English and French from North Eastern Ontario Family and Children's Services
- 8. From 'inadequate' to 'outstanding' in three years
Appreciative Inquiry with Executive Leaders in Together for Children Sunderland on how implementing Signs of Safety transformed their organisation
10 August 2022 | Andrew Turnell
Appreciative Inquiry interview with the Executive Leaders in TfC Sunderland about their active leadership of their agency’s implementation of Signs of Safety that transformed the agency from being deemed inadequate to outstanding in a three-year period in and how this supported their change in practice.
- 9. Supporting practice, embedding learning and sharing success
Appreciative Inquiry with Together for Children Sunderland's Signs of Safety Implementation Team
10 August 2022 | Mari Jayne
Appreciative Inquiry interview with TfC Sunderland’s Signs of Safety Implementation Team about how they did the day to day work of supporting the practitioners and the team managers, embedding the learning methods and sharing successes as their implementation of Signs of Safety unfolded and successes were seen.
- 10. Understanding the social worker–family relationship through self-determination theory
A realist synthesis of Signs of Safety
27 January 2022 | Dr Freda Browne, Dr Louise Caffrey
This study from Trinity College Dublin aimed to deepen and inform the explanation (initial theory) of what key Signs of Safety tools and processes are expected to achieve in the family–worker interaction and why.
- 11. An Initial Vision for Aligned Quality Assurance using Meaningful Measures
Casting vision for the Meaningful Measures framework aligning QA to Signs of Safety
6 January 2022 | Mike Caslor
This video presentation is helpful for anyone who would like to better understand Meaningful Measures and aligning approaches to quality assurance to the Signs of Safety framework
- 12. The Signs of Safety Approach in the Biberach District Youth Welfare Office
Factsheet for the final report on practical research
22 December 2021 | Stefan Bestmann
This is a German language research factsheet, translated using google translate, that outlines recent Signs of Safety implementation research undertaken in Biberach District, Germany. The full report is not available, but the authors were supportive of making this summary available publicly.
- 13. Belonging to Family and Community
Challenging our thinking
2 December 2021 | Loran Dutka, Tahira El-Sulayman, Windsor-Essex Children's Aid Scoiety
This presentation highlights belonging as two agencies coming together and fostering new relationships and a sense of community using a case example of a youth with mental health difficulties
- 14. Feedback Loops after Safety Planning
Using Existing Family Connections to Create Meaningful Belonging
1 December 2021 | Isabelle Quintens, Jeugdhulp, Katrien Vertonghen
How using a feedback loop made it possible to reflect on the meaningful moments in safety planning, and how this made the valuable work of the network and the case worker visible.
- 15. Now we can start to heal
Journey to healing using Words and Pictures
1 December 2021 | Alanna Burns, Chyneese Gavranich, Territory Families, Vicky Haddon, Vimbai Chinhamu
Territory Families, Housing and Communities staff, Aboriginal Community Workers, Practice Leaders and Advisors, and family all worked together and shared information to create a Words and Pictures to answer the questions being asked by a 16 year old young person in care and make sure that everyone involved was kept safe.
- 16. What does Belonging mean to you?
A conversation
30 November 2021 | Isaiah Dawe, Pene Turnell
Pene Turnell talks to Isaiah Dawe
- 17. Signs of Safety: A Warrior's Perspective
Working with a family using the Safety Planning Roadmap
30 November 2021 | Alberta Childrens Services, Inier Cardinal
Exploring what the Signs of Safety practice framework can bring to Metis families when done well through using the Safety Planning Roadmap with one family.
- 18. We Still Can't Believe It!
From terror zone to hope
30 November 2021 | Aishleen Healy, Evelyn Alexander, Lavina Temple, TUSLA
Critical learning from applying Signs of Safety to safety planning work with a young Mum whose first child was in care.
- 19. Reflections on what does 'Belonging' mean to you?
Theme of the 13th International Signs of Safety Gathering
10 November 2021 | Elia
Clips from people round the world sharing their reflections
- 20. Zes jaar implementatie van Signs of Safety in het Agentschap Opgroeien
Six years of implementation of Signs of Safety at ‘Opgroeien’ Agency, Flanders (Belgium)
19 October 2021 | Denis Gorgon, Joke Wiggerink, Lies Van Nuland, Marieke Vogel, Sabien de Klerck
Deze video toont het proces van implemenatie van Signs of Safety door interviews met de projectleidster, jeugdrechters, partnerorganisaties, een onderzoekster van de Universiteit van Gent en praktijkondersteuners.
- 21. 2021 Online International Gathering Program
Your go-to resource for the 2021 Online International Gathering
26 August 2021 | Elia
The schedule for the 2021 Online International Gathering Program
- 22. Evidence Base and Implementation
How do we know if Signs of Safety is improving children's safety and wellbeing?
17 June 2021 | Dr Louise Caffrey, Eileen Munro, Mike Caslor, Terry Murphy
Exploring the evidence about the impact of Signs of Safety on practice and on children, young people and their families.
- 23. The voice of the child in the safety planning process
Exploring questions from practitioners
15 June 2021 | Agi Gault, Andrew Turnell, Pene Turnell
Recording of a Facebook Live event
- 24. Framework and Trajectory
Signs of Safety Whole System Implementation
11 June 2021 | Terry Murphy
There are a set of key and overarching activities that experience has indicated to be mission critical, that is essential for effective implementation. This mission critical version of the framework provides a streamlined roadmap for Signs of Safety implementation.
- 25. Leadership Development Trajectory
Development activities for leadership during Signs of Safety implementation
10 June 2021 | Terry Murphy
Learning and development activities in line with the implementation framework and the implementation trajectory, undertaken for the first two-year intense period of implementation and beyond, for leadership groups and senior managers