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101 results for Trainers and Consultants.
  1. 26. We Still Can't Believe It! search file icon
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    30 November 2021   |  Aishleen Healy, Evelyn Alexander, Lavina Temple, TUSLA   5 Most Popular Critical learning from applying Signs of Safety to safety planning work with a young Mum whose first child was in care.
  2. 27. 2021 Swedish Online Gathering Program search file icon
    • Swedish
    17 November 2021   |  Elia Plats Zoom, personlig länk skickas efter anmälan. De svenska utbildarna/konsulterna kommer att presentera talarna och leda reflektioner mellan varje programpunkt
  3. 28. Reflections on what does 'Belonging' mean to you? search file icon
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    10 November 2021   |  Elia Clips from people round the world sharing their reflections
  4. 29. Zes jaar implementatie van Signs of Safety in het Agentschap Opgroeien  search file icon
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    19 October 2021   |  Denis Gorgon, Joke Wiggerink, Lies Van Nuland, Marieke Vogel, Sabien de Klerck   5 Most Popular Deze video toont het proces van implemenatie van Signs of Safety door interviews met de projectleidster, jeugdrechters, partnerorganisaties, een onderzoekster van de Universiteit van Gent en praktijkondersteuners.
  5. 30. 2021 Online International Gathering Program search file icon
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    26 August 2021   |  Elia   5 Most Popular The schedule for the 2021 Online International Gathering Program
  6. 31. セーフティ・プランニングと両親とソーシャルワーカーへのインタビュー search file icon
    • Japanese
    17 August 2021   |  Hiroyuki Suzuki 本ケースは日本で行われた子どもの安全づくりの実践です。ドメスティックバイオレンスに巻き込まれた姉妹を、家族、親族が主体者となって守ろうとした実践です。激しい親族間の対立を乗り越えた実践でもあります。特に、大切なのは、これらのプロセスを家族自身が家族の言葉で振り返っていること、これに関わったソーシャルワーカーがやはりソーシャルワーカーの言葉で振り返っていることです。  本事例の発表については、家族、ソーシャルワーカーの許可を得ていますが、事例が特定されないように改変してあります。本ケーススタディはすべての人に活用していただけます。
  7. 32. Evidence Base and Implementation search file icon
    • English
    17 June 2021   |  Dr Louise Caffrey, Eileen Munro, Mike Caslor, Terry Murphy Exploring the evidence about the impact of Signs of Safety on practice and on children, young people and their families.
  8. 33. The voice of the child in the safety planning process search file icon
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    15 June 2021   |  Agi Gault, Andrew Turnell, Pene Turnell   4 Most Popular Recording of a Facebook Live event
  9. 34. Framework and Trajectory search file icon
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    11 June 2021   |  Terry Murphy There are a set of key and overarching activities that experience has indicated to be mission critical, that is essential for effective implementation. This mission critical version of the framework provides a streamlined roadmap for Signs of Safety implementation.  
  10. 35. Leadership Development Trajectory search file icon
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    10 June 2021   |  Terry Murphy   5 Most Popular Learning and development activities in line with the implementation framework and the implementation trajectory, undertaken for the first two-year intense period of implementation and beyond, for leadership groups and senior managers
  11. 36. Landing Grand Aspirations in Everyday Practice search file icon
    • English
    29 April 2021   |  Damian Griffiths   4 Most Popular Three short videos of an interview with a newly qualified social worker in the UK sharing his practice in three areas: Starting the Work, Danger Statements, Safety Goals and Safety Scales and Safety Planning
  12. 37. We are Born to Belong search file icon
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    1 April 2021   |  Elia, Pene Turnell   5 Most Popular The 2021 Signs of Safety International Gathering will be held online 30 November-2 December. This is the video that launches our theme: Born to Belong
  13. 38. Supporting families to work with us when they don't agree with us search file icon
    • English
    10 March 2021   |  Haley Muir This paper was written in response to frequently asked questions posted on the Signs of Safety Facebook Page. The original question was "My hugest issue with SOS- a lot of parents won’t tell us what they think they need because they tell us we had no right to take their kids”
  14. 39. Signs of Safety and Contextual Safeguarding  search file icon
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    4 March 2021   |  Andrew Turnell, Carlene Firmin, Joanne Walker, Pene Turnell, Tracey Hill, Wendy Hill   3 Most Popular This is a joint briefing paper co-authored by Elia and the University of Bedfordshire, Contextual Safeguarding team to explore the relationship and integration between Contextual Safeguarding and Signs of Safety.
  15. 40. Signs of Safety and Contextual Safeguarding - an example search file icon
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    23 February 2021   |  Wendy Hill   5 Most Popular This resource provides a draft Danger Statement, Safety Goal and Safety Scale based on information provided by a worker during Group Supervision (case information has been de-identified) and suggested questions to support assessment and next steps planning in respect of Liam (17).
  16. 41. Bringing the Grandmother’s vision to life in our practice search file icon
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    18 December 2020   |  Elia   5 Most Popular This presentation will highlight the journey Ktunaxa Kinbasket Child and Family Services has taken over the past 12 years, working to implement Signs of Safety throughout their agency. Director Jackie will share the most recent milestone of how the agency is taking on organisational alignment through the most recent updates on their case management tool.
  17. 42. Connecting children to culture through working relationships search file icon
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    18 December 2020   |  Elia Lorraine will present a case about a young person’s cultural care plan and the intention to reunify and maintain cultural connections with their family as they had lost contact since being in the care of the CEO for six years.
  18. 43. Reflections and Closing search file icon
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    18 December 2020   |  Elia   1 Most Popular The Reflections and Closing speeches from the 2020 Aboriginal First Nation Signs of Safety Gathering
  19. 44. Safety and healing through community and culture search file icon
    • English
    18 December 2020   |  Elia   5 Most Popular Upper Sioux Community Social Services and Yellow Medicine County Family Services utilised the Signs of Safety to support a Dakota mother who, after numerous child protection interventions, has begun healing because of her connections with her community and culture. The agencies will share what they learned working creatively together as a statutory authority with the Dakota community to help families and their networks increase safety and wellbeing with Indigenous families.
  20. 45. Welcome and Opening prayers search file icon
    • English
    18 December 2020   |  Elia   5 Most Popular Welcome and Opening prayers for the 2020 Aboriginal First Nations Voices in Child Protection Signs of Safety Gathering.
  21. 46. 2020 Aboriginal First Nation Signs of Safety Gathering Program search file icon
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    7 December 2020   |  Elia The schedule for the 2020 Aboriginal First Nation Signs of Safety Gathering Program including a downloadable PDF
  22. 47. The Purpose of Signs of Safety search file icon
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    4 December 2020   |  Elia   4 Most Popular Statement explaining what the Signs of Safety sets out to achieve
  23. 48. Resource and Logo Usage Guidelines search file icon
    • English
    2 December 2020   |  Elia   5 Most Popular How organisations who are implementing Signs of Safety or organisations with a Knowledge Bank subscription can use Signs of Safety resources in their internal trainings, systems and processes
  24. 49. Involving Naturally Occurring Safety Networks in Child Protection casework search file icon
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    23 November 2020   |  Andrew Turnell Andrew Turnell explains why Signs of Safety seeks always to involve everybody that has natural connections to the children to most effectively build lasting safety and healing.
  25. 50. Ask Signs of Safety search file icon
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    23 November 2020   |  Agi Gault, Andrew Turnell, Ann Gardeström, Christy Leitch, Emma Hopper, Haley Muir, Kay Bell, Marieke Vogel, Pene Turnell, Sabien de Klerck   5 Most Popular 'Ask Signs of Safety' was a chance for the community of the Signs of Safety Children's Services Support Group to ask any question they had about Signs of Safety. These are the answers supplied by the International community of Licensed Signs of Safety Trainers, Consultants and Staff of Elia, the home of Signs of Safety.